Mike Overend Holistic Therapies
Usui Reiki is taught in accordance with Usui Reiki tradition.
Reiki 1 taught over one evening and a day: What is Reiki? The history of Reiki; Self-healing (including practical); Four attunements; Meditations; Manual and Certificate. Cost £185
Reiki 2: taught over one evening and a day: Reiki symbols and their uses; healing others (including practical); distance healing; manifestation; 2nd degree attunement; manual and certificate. Cost £195
Reiki 3 (Master): taught over one afternoon and a day: Master symbols; Master Attunement; the Healing Attunement; Attuning others to Reiki; manual and certificate; Cost £250
For courses and dates please contact me.
Angelic Reiki is taught in accordance with the Angelic Reiki Association procedures and course requirements following the channelling of Archangel Metatron through Kevin Core. It is the absolute joy of working with the Angelic Kingdom of Light to offer a wonderful service to yourself, humanity and the planet.
Practitioner Level 1&2 taught over one evening and two days. The attunements – which connect students with Healing Angels who will then work with each individual on a permanent basis – incorporate Reiki symbols attunded through the Angelic vibration.
Angelic clearings and 1st and 2nd degree attunements; meet your healing angel, ascended masters and galactic healers; self-healing and healing others - healing methods including third eye healing; healing practice sessions; distance healing; crystal, manual and certificate. Cost £252
Practitioner Level 3&4 (Master) is for those who have completed Levels 1&2 and are ready to progress to the next stage, either for their own development or to teach Angelic Reiki. This workshop is a powerful experience which lays the ground for the incoming Galactic Energy of Ascension. It awakens the Divine within, places students in their own spiritual power and knowledge of themselves and is taught over one evening and two days: Angelic clearings and 3rd and 4th degree attunements; healing through eye contact; healing with soul group energies; healing practice sessions; Advice on how to teach Angelic Reiki and facilitate attunements; manual and certificate. Cost £405